By: Kim Barnouin

Table of Contents
Page 10 - Introductions
Page 17 - (Part One) Sustainability : A Greener Diet
Page 32 - (Part Two) The Secret to Being A Skinny Bitch
Page 44 - (Part Three) A Party In Your Kitchen
Page 70 - (Part Four) The Recipes
Page 72 - Breakfast
Page 94 - Soups
Page 112 - Salads
Page 140 - Sauces & Dressings
Pages 158 - Sides
Page 192 - Dinners
Pages 240 - Desserts
Page 274 - Drink
Pages 292 - 301
Sources Consulted
End Notes
Chef Contributors
As you can see from the table of contents, the recipes in this book don't start until almost half way through the book. The first few sections are about sustainability, our carbon footprint, buying seasonal, which foods to buy organic, and a crash coarse in what it means to be vegan. It also talks about the basic equipment you should have in your kitchen (pots, pans, food processor, zester, ect), and also the basic foods you should keep in your fridge and pantry.
Once you got past the first section, which is actually really informative and thought provoking, you get to the recipe section. As you can see from the table of contents the recipes are broken down into sections. In each of the sections she has a little insert/article about something. For example, in the "Sides" section, there is a two page insert about Antioxidants and their health benefits.

The pictures in this cook book are absolutly beautiful. They really make your mouth water, and want to make the recipes! (Of course, the pictures i took came out grainy and not as pretty as i was hoping. lol).

In fact, the vegetarian lentil sloppy joe recipe that i posted a couple weeks ago, was inspired by the lentil sloppy joe recipe in this book! I say inspired because, i wanted to make it, but i didn't have everything that the recipe called for, so i put my own spin on it and was able to use what i had in the house without having to go to the food store... and it came out delicious! So if you all like that recipe, check out this cook book to see the "real thing".
Overall, i really enjoyed this cookbook. It has a lot of very interesting information in it, that really causes you to think twice about that processed stuff you have been eating. It's even a great cook book for non-vegans. If you are looking to incorporate a little more veggies in your life, this is a great start. The recipes are simple, and delicious!
The only comment i must make, is that the way the author writes, is very "in your face". She tells you how it is, and cusses a lot. Now, i don't mind that, in fact, i love the way she writes. It's much more casual, and a lot more fun to read. But don't let the way she writes fool you, she offers a lot of great information and offers the endnotes and sources consulted in the back of the book to prove she just didn't pull the information out of thin air.
In the end, i highly recomend this cookbook to vegans, non-vegans, meat eaters... ANYONE who wants to make healthy, delicious recipes and experiment with vegetables or cooking methods you haven't used before.
I hope this book review was helpful!!!
Love and Best Health,
Always looking for new recipe ideas and great books. I will check this one out. Thanks for the review!